Laapataa Ladies, India's Oscars 2025 entry, missed the shortlist. Now, the producers expressed disappointment but remain optimistic, seeing it as a step forward.
Taking to Instagram, Aaliyah Kashyap shared some dreamy pictures with hubby Shane Gregoire from their Maldives honeymoon. See them here!
With a literal jump from a carnival into a magical land where birds carry jackets and squirrels wear sweaters, TXT’s “Blue Hour” not only has a fantastical music video, but it has the energetic, ...
Whereas the Canadian Human Rights Commission published divisive statements claiming that public celebrations of Christmas ...
卤煮,是老北京人味觉记忆中不可缺失的一枚拼图。尤其在天寒地冻的冬日,热气腾腾的卤煮更为诱人。若是再搭配着吸饱汤水的金黄火烧,一口下肚,鲜香扑鼻,暖胃又暖心。在卤煮店遍地开花的北京,如果问哪家北京卤煮最原汁原味?一个历久弥新的老字号品牌便会自然浮上人们 ...