The latest NICE guidelines on asthma emphasize FeNO testing. Bedfont® provides resources and support for healthcare professionals implementing these changes.
Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ), and spirometry testing. According to the rating of asthma control by asthma specialists in line with the Global Initiative for Asthma 2006 guidelines ...
Long-awaited joint UK guidelines for asthma have been finalised, overhauling recommendations to GPs for diagnostics and treatment of the condition. In June, draft guidance published by NICE, BTS and ...
Some believe that there is a connection among climate change, ozone in outdoor air, and health effects, including asthma. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a report in 2020 ...
20 pack-years of cigarette smoking), (2) by documenting moderate-to-severe airflow limitation using a diagnostic spirometry test, and (3) by excluding heart failure and asthma as the causes of ...
Adaptations to the BenRex Study (Benralizumab Exacerbation Study) allowed for validation of video supported home spirometry against on-site face-to-face sessions in a cohort of patients with severe ...
It recommends healthcare practitioners should offer a low-dose combination of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and formoterol to be taken as needed for everyone aged 12 and over with newly diagnosed ...