Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Waikar from the Northwest Mumbai Lok Sabha constituency was involved in a car accident near the SRPF camp entrance in Jogeshwari, Mumbai. The incident occurred around midnight on ...
Nagpur: A heartfelt tribute to the late Dr Vinay Waikar unfolded in the form of a poetic and musical soirée titled ‘Shukragujari - Ojhalitle Soneri Kshan' ((Thanksgiving - Golden Moments in ...
This awareness drive was initiated by MP Ravindra Waikar, who has been a vocal advocate for tackling the drug menace and ensuring a brighter future for the youth. The event was graced by several ...
According to results declared on June 4, Waikar had secured 452,644 votes (451,094 EVM votes and 1,550 postal ballots) while Kirtikar had bagged 452,596 votes (4,51,095 EVM votes and 1,500 postal ...
According to Dr. Apoorva R. Waikar, a physician with Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU, FDA-approved uses for pediatric GH therapy in the U.S. include: GHD is a relatively rare condition.
Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Waikar's car was involved in a crash at Goregaon East when a motorcyclist attempted to overtake from the right. Waikar's driver swerved left, hitting a truck and causing damage.