Chef Lily Min, a Korean cuisine specialist and Korean food instructor at the Korean Cultural Center in Taguig, showed how to make Korean-style glutinous rice donuts.
No prep work needed, right? In most cases, flour doesn't require much tending to, but occasionally a recipe necessitates sifting, and it's not a step worth skipping. Sifting is a cooking technique ...
In late 2012 we released our original report on arsenic in rice, in which we found measurable levels in almost all of the 60 rice varieties and rice products we tested. Our most recent testing and ...
Rice is a versatile grain and a staple in diets around the world. It’s inexpensive and can be prepared in a number of delicious ways. If you’ve heard of the raw food diet, then you’ve ...
I eat rice multiple days a week — and used to exclusively make it in a pot on the stove. It’s a deceptively easy task: Measure, rinse, add water, simmer, steam, and less than half an hour ...