March 6, 2025 • What is it about a show that turns you into a bitter-ender, that keeps you dutifully watching every last episode, long after the train has jumped the tracks? Even when you know ...
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Experience St. Peter's Basilica in revolutionary ways with AI and photogrammetry. A groundbreaking collaboration between Microsoft, the Vatican, and Iconem reveals hidden details while preserving ...
Following devastating natural disasters in Pakistan, Sumaira Malik highlights how the country's creative and cultural industries play a crucial role in climate adaptation and promoting environmental ...
It's common to experience culture shock when you're transplanted into a foreign setting. This is a normal reaction to a new environment where you are no longer in control as you have been at home. You ...
Show Full Article The festival is the first-of-its-kind in India, bringing together homegrown, South Asian and global talent to celebrate contemporary Indian culture and identity. It’s an adventurous ...
Introduction: Morocco's agricultural sector faces significant socio-environmental challenges that threaten food security and economic development. A comprehensive assessment of these challenges is ...