In our polarized society, a new study offers hope for the future: Even young children can learn to discuss and argue about meaningful problems in a respectful and productive way. Researchers found ...
A new study finds that spite—driven by feelings of uncertainty, threat, or disadvantage—plays a key role in conspiracy theory ...
AURAK’s new Bachelor of Science in Psychology is designed to provide a comprehensive education in psychological theories, ...
The structured, carefully balanced biomedical studies curriculum evolved from our former one-year Medical Science Preparatory and second-year Master of Science ... Both undergraduate and relevant ...
Girls still trail boys in mathematics and science in Australia, according to regular nationwide surveys. Despite extensive government efforts to encourage girls to buck historic trends and consider ...
Failing to recognize that we are easily manipulated by technology makes us less powerful and easier to exploit.
Adolescent substance use is a significant predictor of future addiction and related disorders. Understanding neural mechanisms underlying substance use initiation and frequency during adolescence is ...
Tennessee Tech’s Ph.D. in higher education program is driven by data science, giving students the knowledge and skills needed ...
A world without laughter would lead to emotional distress, weaker social connections, and declining health, making life dull and devoid of joy.
The U-shaped happiness curve, widely accepted in industrialized nations, does not hold universally. Research by Michael ...