The Indian theatrical release of “Santosh,” which landed on the Oscars‘ international feature shortlist, has been delayed due to an unexpected holdup at India’s Central Board of Film ...
Welcome, St Oscar! A new canonisation for the Millennium? As we approach the centenary of Oscar Wilde’s death, there will be many books, lectures and exhibitions to sharpen our focus on this brilliant ...
Creating a roundup of the 25 best-selling books of all time is harder than it sounds. Books—especially those published hundreds of years ago—were published in different editions and translated ...
Pride and Prejudice, based on the literary masterpiece that The British Museums, Libraries, and Archives Society listed as one of 30 books every adult should read before they die, will be ...
The 97th Oscars will be held on Sunday, March 2. All movie listings, titles, distributors, and credited artisans are not final and are subject to change.
4:33 Call of the Wilde: Habs look to continue hot streak The final game of a six-game road trip for the Montreal Canadiens in Denver. Depending on the targets set, after the first five games ...