The sports drama series has grown to feature nine films, including six in the original Rocky Balboa storyline and three spinoffs about Adonis Creed. The first six movies tell the story of ...
When ranking the Rocky and Creed movies, it is often the first few from the former and all three of the latter that are regarded as the best installments. Further down the list, there tends to be ...
Jordan as Apollo Creed's son, comes to theaters next month. But if you're itching for some "Rocky" before that, YouTube has you covered. YouTube Movies is currently offering the first five ...
I've long maintained that when it comes to the best boxing movies, you can't go wrong with the Rocky and Creed franchises. Both embody the thrill of the sport and give us hopeful protagonists to ...
Some of the best sports movies lean on an underdog story ... differ is that Ippo Makunouchi is much younger than Rocky Balboa or Adonis Creed, so there's a lot of difference in the way the ...
Rocky Balboa accompanies his friend Apollo Creed to the ring in a boxing match against a Russian Boxer named Ivan Drago. Drago is too strong for Creed, and unfortunately kills him in his match.
Adonis Johnson is the son of the famous boxing champion Apollo Creed, who died in a boxing match in Rocky IV (1985). Adonis wasn't born until after his father's death and wants to follow his ...
The Rocky franchise, consisting of 6 films (9 if you include Creed), follows the story of ... Alvarez says the Rocky movies inspired him like so much of Philadelphia, revealing Rocky (1976 ...