What is the Patient Safety Initiative? The Patient Safety Initiative is a collaborative, data-driven effort that gives hospitals and health systems a strong voice in the national conversation around ...
“The healthcare industry has to rationalise its patient engagement activities,” adds Davis. Mapping and managing the patient journey One solution is adapting the concept of customer journey ...
The amount of time spent in EMT class dedicated to the knowledge and skills needed to patient assessment clearly indicates the importance placed on the EMT having the ability to competently ...
The problem of poor patient adherence has been extensively researched, but the rates of nonadherence have not changed much in the past 3 decades. Healthcare providers play a unique and important ...
However, providing such care remains a challenge in many countries, including Canada. Patients’ expertise, if acknowledged and adequately translated, could help foster patient-centred care. This study ...
The patients were asked to imagine themselves doing activities, such as playing tennis or swimming — complex cognitive tasks that require sustained attention. One would assume that people who ...
We are privileged to treat you, and invite you to join us as active members of your health care team by reviewing the rights and responsibilities listed below for patients and patient representatives.
Use these easy-to-read materials written in plain language to inform your patients and caregivers on a variety of topics including prevention and early detection, treatment, side effects, and ...
Would you have done anything differently? A friend of mine volunteers at a hospice, and she hears one regret over and over from patients: letting relationships wither. They wish that they had made ...
For the first time outside of pregnancy, I — an emergency doctor — experienced what it feels like to be a patient. It was not, to put it mildly, a pleasant experience. I sought treatment when I was ...