Organ donation is a community act of kindness built on trust, so the allocation of donated organs must be fair.
The strange world of organ preservation is spawning new tech firms. OrganOx has added impetus to the industry with a $142mn ...
New York nonprofits are teaming up with pharmacies to bolster organ donor registration rates across the state.
Who gets the kidneys and livers and hearts donated by people who die? For decades, the U.S. government has enforced strict ...
In the village of Mucherla, Telangana, all 500 residents have pledged to donate their eyes after death, inspiring a movement ...
When his phone rang at 11.30pm on a winter’s night last year, organ transplant recipient David Wightman knew it could be a ...
THE only known survivor of China’s brutal organ harvesting scheme says the regime is plotting to kill him and stage his death as suicide. Cheng Peiming told how Xi Jinping’s communist ...
Last year saw an increase in the number of organ donors, but as donors age and families refuse permission, fewer Australians are receiving life-saving donations.
So doctors often say no, citing reasons like the donor’s age or the size of the organ. If that happens, the organization is supposed to keep ticking down the list until the organ is accepted.
A perfusion technique developed at University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) to test the quality of donor livers led to a ...