The Alberta Wetland Classification System groups wetlands into 5 major classes – bogs, fens, swamps, marshes and shallow open water wetlands – based on common physical, chemical and biological ...
“Why is it that your concept of this doesn’t in any way relate to Congress’ objective,” Jackson asked Damien Schiff, a Pacific Legal Foundation attorney whose clients purchased wetland-adjacent land ...
They have areas in them that have normal to high oxygen levels or areas that don’t have oxygen in them. That produces a whole bunch of diversity, which is really, really good at treating water,” she ...
According to the LGLC, the land borders 2,500 feet of Lake George shoreline. The wetlands preserve water quality by filtering out pollutants before they enter the lake, the conservancy said.
The park, under the Frank A. Wacha Bridge, is a popular spot for community events, boaters and anglers. It features picnic pavilions, picnic sites, boat launches, a playground, restroom, piers, ...