Kingdom Hearts’ Sora is the main protagonist of the beloved KH games. With his iconic spiky hair, optimistic attitude, and unending loyalty, this powerful keyblade wielder has been sealing hearts and ...
Kingdom Hearts characters are a big part of what makes this series so special. So, in this guide, we take you on a tour of all the quirky individuals you encounter along the way, from original ...
The Kingdom Hearts series has been entertaining gamers and Disney fans alike since Kingdom Hearts was released in 2002 to PlayStation 2. The main story centered around a young teen named Sora ...
Kingdom Hearts could use a significant shake-up to its combat system, and looking at one unexpected source could be the key to doing this. As many may know by now, the Nintendo Switch 2 was ...
This time, Tammy Hembrow‘s collab with inclusive lingerie brand Nala has set social media ablaze. And it’s not for the reasons you’d expect. The drama kicked off when Nala, known for ...
The female German shepherd, named Nala, was captured helping her owner decorate the guest bathroom, by posing for a series of candid images in a small towel. The lighthearted TikTok video, shared by ...
Anjo Nala in Reverse 1999 is an upcoming true-limited character to debut in version 2.2, Tristes Tropiques. Her banner, Longing for Innocence, will be available throughout the 2.2 version from ...
Anjo Nala is one of the upcoming characters in Reverse: 1999, which is set to be released in Version 2.2. She is the newest truly limited character and a ridiculously powerful Beast Burst DPS unit.