Having ruled the Malayalam film industry together since the late 80s to date, Mohanlal shares a very special bond with Mammootty. The two have worked on a number of films with each other, including ...
On the auspicious occasion of Christmas, Mohanlal came up with his magnum opus, Barroz, and it was expected to rake in the big moolah. Unfortunately, it failed to mark a big start at the Indian ...
After dominating the industry as an actor for decades, Mohanlal recently made his directorial debut with the children’s fantasy film Barroz, adding yet another feather to his cap. In a career spanning ...
Actor Mohanlal recently shared that there was a time in his career when he contemplated quitting cinema. During a candid conversation with Suhasini Maniratnam, the veteran actor reflected on his ...
Mohanlal, after decades of acting excellence and over 400 films, debuted as a director with the children’s fantasy Barroz. Renowned as an actor, producer, and singer, the Malayalam superstar revealed ...
He was 92. Numerous south celebrities like Chiranjeevi, Vijay, Mohanlal and Nimma Upendra paid him tributes on social media. (Also Read: Manmohan Singh dies: Kapil Sharma, Madhuri Dixit ...
Mohanlal's much-awaited directorial debut Barroz arrived in theatres on Christmas, hoping to make a big splash, but unfortunately, it has been greeted with a less-than-ideal reception. Despite ...