Clearwater, the largest pure-play provider of cybersecurity and compliance solutions for the healthcare industry, today ...
Edifecs, Inc., a global health information technology solutions company, today announced Point of Care Suspects, expanding ...
Employees are grappling with buyout offers as public health crises mount. “Somebody has to stay to help clean up the mess ...
People who experience unplanned c-sections and failed vaginal deliveries during childbirth are more likely to develop PTSD ...
As the hotter days of summer approach, it is possible that your risk of stroke could rise with the temperature, a recent study has found. When hot weather carries over into the nighttime hours, the ...
By Dr. Leah Winer University of Kentucky A recent advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General highlights alcohol consumption as ...
Watching TV for an hour or less each day may help offset the risk for heart attack and stroke in people genetically ...
High genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes is associated with higher atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk and ≤1 h/d of television viewing has substantially lower risk of atherosclerotic ...
Watching no more than one hour of TV a day may lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other blood vessel diseases among ...
This kind of behavior, once an exception, has now become the norm. We all reveal TMI, even when it comes to health care. And ...
Rates of colorectal cancer diagnoses and death, for instance, are roughly 30% higher in northwest and southwest Minnesota ...
Hepatitis B can lead to liver disease. But we can prevent and manage this viral infection. Here’s what we know about the ...