Twelve (12) passenger interior consisting of a forward four (4) place club, mid cabin four (4) place dining group opposite a credenza, and an aft three (3) place divan opposite an executive work ...
This post sn 200 Falcon 50 has important and expensive upgrades costing over $800,000, including dual Laseref IV's, WAAS/LPV, 3D upgraded engines, Dry Bay Mod, Wifi, and LED lighting. The aircraft is ...
Itchy tattoos are common, especially just after you've had them done. Most of the time, the itching is caused by the healing process and is completely normal. There are some other things that might ...
EXCLUSIVE: Sony Pictures has Eddie Murphy poised to star in Blue Falcon, a two-hander action comedy. Studio acquired a script by Chad St. John, the the London Has Fallen scribe who most recently ...
A lakeside getaway becomes a battleground for couples in this fast, furious and exceptionally fun horror-comedy. By Jeannette Catsoulis Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon star in a romantic comedy ...