17 He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head; he put on the garments of vengeance and wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak.
17 I was enraged by their sinful greed; I punished them, and hid my face in anger, yet they kept on in their willful ways.
We recently posted our review of what will be one of the iPhone 17's biggest threats: the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra. And it didn't disappoint, earning five stars. So what will Apple have to do to get ...
A new year brings new iPhones, so we're already counting down the days to the iPhone 17 launch — even if that event is likely eight months away, and the current iPhone 16 lineup is still pretty new.
The iPhone 17 Pro Max is coming, even if we are still several months away from seeing one in action. The iPhone 16 Pro Max might be one of the best phones you can buy right now, but the iPhone 17 ...
The iPhone 16 line has only recently landed at the time of writing, and yet there are already numerous iPhone 17 claimed leaks – some of which emerged even before the launch of Apple’s latest ...
All-Star weekend has finally concluded after the final mini tournament game was played. Team Shaq picked up the final victory as Warriors star Steph Curry won the All-Star MVP award. Unfortunately ...
While it’s more common to see 17-inch laptops these days, there still aren’t a huge amount of options out there, and while it used to be that your main option was gaming laptops, things have ...
Fifty-four days into the year and at least 54 people have been killed in traffic ... the first crash occurring around 9:30 pm on the PJ Patterson Highway in St Catherine. Reports are that the ...
James Mobley IV Calvary Day, Devin Trawick Savannah Christian, Omari Burse Benedictine, Isaiah Batten Savannah Country Day are African American quarterbacks who led their high school teams to the ...
Hartenstein supplied 10 points (5-6 FG), 12 rebounds, one assist and two blocks in 27 minutes during Thursday's 116-101 loss to the Timberwolves. It was the 19th double-double of the season for ...
Explore all key property features for 17 St James Crescent, Muswellbrook. Click here to find out more. What is the size of the property at 17 St James Crescent, Muswellbrook? The internal land ...