However, many atmospheric inverse models fail to adequately incorporate the spatial and temporal ... Collectively, these random variables define a joint Gaussian distribution. More details are ...
The aim of this GUI is to aid in analysis of the Gaussian Wave-packet, so that it can be incorporated with main problems in quantum mechanics such that the solution resembles more of reality. The user ...
The parameter ζ can be interpreted as inverse response noise because the sigmoid approaches a step function ... This reflects the fact that squared losses imply a Gaussian distribution of errors, ...
As no surprise, a Gaussian or uniform distribution is typically assumed for convenience, which inevitably sacrifices the accuracy of the forward UQ. To address this issue, we propose, for the first ...
In summary, for anisotropic strata, which are widely present in the upper crust, it is accurate to use the anisotropic exact reflection coefficient equation for forward/inverse problems. This is the ...
The initial partitioning and correlation of measurements are performed from the perspective of measurement distribution. Data association is further optimized ... and derivation compared with the ...
A neuroanatomical minimal network model was revisited to elucidate the mechanism of salt concentration memory-dependent chemotaxis observed in Caenorhabditis elegans. C. elegans memorizes the salt ...
The program allows one to choose from six different boundary types: rectangular, Gaussian ... distribution of grid lines. To obtain an expression for this system, we can get the first order partial ...
This important study uses advanced computational methods to elucidate how environmental dielectric properties influence the interaction strengths of tyrosine and phenylalanine in biomolecular ...
Massy Holdings Limited has signed an agreement with Caribbean Distribution Partners Limited (CPDL) to sell its interest in Massy Distribution (Jamaica) Limited (MDJL) as it continues to realign ...
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, United States Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, ...