India on Thursday became the fourth country to successfully achieve an unmanned docking in space, a feat seen as pivotal for future missions as New Delhi cements its place as a global space power ...
India's economy is set to become the fourth largest by 2026, with projected growth of 6.8% in FY25, driven by resilient macroeconomic fundamentals and strategic reforms aimed at boosting disposable ...
* India has the largest population in the world in the age bracket of 5-24 years with 580 million people, presenting a huge opportunity in the education sector. * India has over 250 million school ...
Going from being a Somerset bricklayer playing as a semi-pro at ... was a captain quartermaster in the British Army who was posted to India for a period that covered the entirety of the Second ...
The Indian Army, a prestigious and integral component of the Indian Armed Forces, stands as a bastion of national security and sovereignty. Established on April 1, 1895, it has evolved into one of the ...
Today, Netflix is making more television than any other network out there and operates in 190 countries. Among these, India happens to be one of its most lucrative markets. So it comes as no surprise ...
China has announced that vice president Han Zheng will attend the inauguration of US President-elect Donald Trump as President Xi Jinping's special representative. This move highlights China's ...
Genome India project: The Department of Biotechnology recently announced its new platform and framework for sharing its 10,000 human genome dataset. The sequences of healthy individuals — from 99 ...