According to the Uttar Pradesh government, around 3.5 crore devotees took a dip on Tuesday, almost double the first day's figure. While the the first major 'snan' of the Maha Kumbh was on Monday on ...
Uttar Pradesh has the following Regional Transport Offices. Choose any of the following cities to get all the necessary details of the respective Regional Transport Offices. You can get details ...
As of today, the CNG price in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh is ₹92.00 per kilogram. Which city in Uttar Pradesh has the lowest CNG price? Currently, Gautam Budh Nagar has the lowest CNG price in Uttar ...
India is a vast nation with 28 states and at least 718 districts. In order to identify regions, Indian postal department has allotted a unique code known as Pin Code to each district/village/town to ...
Before graduating from a California high school, students must complete a minimum of 13 state-mandated courses, including three years of English, two years of math and two years of science.
How do we rate a Device? Rating a smartphone is a tedious process and a lot of parameters have to be considered before judging the overall performance of the device such as display, camera ...