The directorial debut of Usman Riaz, “The Glassworker” is Pakistan’s first fully hand-drawn feature, crafted by Mano Animation Studios under the mentorship of Ghibli producer Geoffrey Wexler.
The Salvation Poem Project has released the first teaser trailer for the upcoming animated feature Light of the World. The film is set to release theatrically in the U.S. on September 5, 2025.
On top of the six gaming guides, the digital collection also includes a 21-page preview of Summers' upcoming book '202X: Video Game Reflections'. If you check this one out and like what you see ...
Both Warcraft 1 and 2 have also received "various UI and UX improvements such as tooltips and health bars, mission select screens, and increased unit selection." If you remember the original ...
If you’re traveling or doing business outside the U.S., beware! These seemingly innocuous hand gestures are considered rude in many parts of the world. “Hand gestures can vary significantly in ...