Godot Engine 4.4 has been released bringing with it a plethora of advancements for game devs, so it might be time to give it ...
Open source implementations of AR and VR drivers for the Godot Game Engine ...
A large library of free and open-source shaders for the Godot game engine. Here, you'll get 2D and 3D shaders with playable demos.
This is the beauty of open source in action - everyone can benefit. Valve are no stranger to open source, and as it turns out ...
Here's a free downloadable Itch.io game that generates a maze of exhibits from the internet's best-known communal ...
近年来,随着商业引擎的崛起,自研引擎的市场份额正在被逐步蚕食。这一现象在外媒VGI最新发布的 《2025年大型游戏引擎报告》 中表现得尤为明显。 过去十年间,尤其是近五年,游戏引擎市场发生了巨大变化。曾经, 自研引擎是3A游戏工作室的不二之选 ...
Ever played a liminal space horror game? The kind where hallways stretch forever, doors lead to nowhere, and the air feels just a little too thick? Now imagine that, but instead of eerie yellow ...
Muse is Microsoft's new generative AI for game development that promises to be a gameplay concept tool – it will ideate ...
By using tailored solutions and professional support, you can enhance your skills, avoid common pitfalls, and bring your ...
The new Blender Foundation roadmap for 2025 has been revealed, and like each year's plans there are lots of things to be excited for in the coming year if you're a 3D artist and animator.