Meat Expectations defies expectations in every way. Born out of a pioneering playwriting method that centers American Sign ...
As a key player in the history of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Gallaudet's campus was a natural choice for ...
The 130th anniversary of the invention of the football huddle is approaching as excitement over the NFL Draft continues to build. Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. is home to the iconic ...
Gallaudet is the world’s only university ... historians and others key experts on Deaf history and culture. The following links will open in a new window.
AT&T and Gallaudet created the first 5G-connected football helmet for deaf and hard-of-hearing student-athletes who use American Sign Language on the field Natasha Dye is a writer-reporter for ...
One of the six NCAA Silver Anniversary Award winners was Ronda Jo Miller Donatucci, who played basketball and volleyball at Gallaudet University in D.C.
Gallaudet gaining approval for the helmet in ... we not only get to celebrate another history making milestone, but we have the opportunity to further collaborate and innovate on ways to drive ...