The film also became the fastest Bengali film to enter to the Rs 10 cr-club. Yesterday, the makers of the film, Dev Entertainment Ventures and Surinder Films, took to Instagram announced that the ...
Jointly produced by Dev Entertainment Ventures and Surinder Films, Khadaan craze continues in Bengal as the film entered to its 3rd week in cinemas. Due to the positive word-of-mouth, the movie ...
Bengali director Arun Roy died due to a lung infection He was 56 He was best known for Bagha Jatin and Hiralal Acclaimed Bengali director Arun Roy died on Thursday at the age of 56 due to a severe ...
Bengali filmmaker Arun Roy, known for movies Hiralal and Bagha Jatin, passed away after battling cancer. He died due to a severe lung infection at 56. Dr. Kinjal Nanda confirmed his death. His body ...