God is described as male in many religions and referred with masculine imagery, but when asked, many religious types insist ...
Even at this moment, Todah Elohim, Todah Elohim, Thank you, God. About the Author Dr. Daniel R. Weiss has been the Head of School at Bornblum Jewish Community School in Memphis, TN, since 2018.
Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, various Christian and political groups have actively opposed Jewish-Christian ...
A barely-avoided genocide being celebrated with costumes and drunkenness and jokes is itself a kind of celebration of life ...
The word Elohim could be understood as God or gods ... The specific language of the curse must include one of the names of God, whether in Hebrew or any other language. The term which initiates the ...
For generations, Jewish organizations have been at the forefront of immigration and refugee ... Where is our commitment to recognizing the dignity of every person — that we are all made b’tzelem ...
And that’s why I’m here – no mission, no conference, no formal agenda. Just because I wanted to be with a place and a people I love. [David Bark] ...
Congregation Beth Elohim, Forest Hills Jewish Center, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, Society for the Advancement of Judaism and others. Not all rabbis who signed appended the names of their ...