This week, the BBC aired a new colorized, re-cut and updated version of the 1969 Doctor Who serial The War Games, with added appearances Peter Capaldi, David Tennant, Jodie Whittaker and Matt Smith.
so he decides to scope out the time portals while the man cools his heels in the bar. “The only meaningful way to follow someone is to get there first,” The Doctor says. What The Doctor doesn ...
as one of Doctor Who’s classic tales receives a spectacular new colourisation. Originally aired in 1969, The War Games marked the end of an era for the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton ...
Matt Smith's run as the Eleventh Doctor ended with this Christmas special, and he goes out in plenty of style. This outrageous ep combines classic Doctor Who villains like the Cybermen ...
In my experience using spotting scopes across diverse terrains and for countless wildlife observations, I’ve found them to be indispensable tools for nature enthusiasts, sports fans, and even ...