Why frequently chewing ice may signal a health issue. (Getty Images) ...
Due to the condition, the student said she has extreme reactions to sounds like chewing gum or eating food in class. The lawsuit said the condition was made worse by a "migraine headache disorder ...
Upgraded gravity bombs are now stationed at military bases in Europe, the head of the U.S.'s nuclear military science agency has said, after it completed an overhaul of the B61-12 nuclear bomb.
The bomb can be airdropped from the target, and a controlled tail rudder in system ensures precision strike.
The US has begun deploying modified B61 nuclear bombs in Europe in the B61-12 version, the head of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Jill Hruby said. "The new B61-12s are being ...
A plane crash released two nuclear bombs over North Carolina in 1961, historians said. Screengrab from the NC Department of Natural & Cultural Resources on Facebook Two nuclear bombs fell from the ...