Do You Speak American? has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities, promoting excellence in the humanities. Additional funding is provided by the William and Flora ...
You say potato ....and I say spud. A look at the different schools of thought on language usage.
Students will use information they have learned from viewing parts of the PBS "Napoleon" series, study and research about the U.S. Constitution to compare the effects of Napoleon's civil code on ...
New River Media Interview with: Bruce Geelhoed Director, Center for Middletown Studies and Professor of History Ball State University QUESTION: Tell us a little bit about when Robert and Helen Lynd ...
The Albizzi were one of the oldest families in Florence and led the republican government for two generations. By 1427, they were the most powerful family in the city, and far richer than the Medici.
"The Allies won a great victory by defeating the Nazis. But they realized that that victory would be incomplete if the crimes of the Nazis weren't fully prosecuted. Unfortunately that effort fell ...
To play the Waterloo Interactive Battle Simulator, you must first choose whether to play as Napoleon (French side) or as Wellington (Allied side). The computer will play as your opponent. The game is ...