The words below it are written in Turkish, and proclaim Suleiman's role as Sultan, ruler specifically of the Ottoman Empire, and sovereign of all its subjects - Muslim, Jewish or Christian.
The words below it are written in Turkish, and proclaim Suleiman's role as Sultan, ruler specifically of the Ottoman Empire, and sovereign of all its subjects - Muslim, Jewish or Christian.
Sultan Selim’s reign saw a huge expansion of the Ottoman Empire, which helped to lay the foundations for his much more famous successor, Suleiman I, better known as Suleiman the Magnificent.
The words below it are written in Turkish, and proclaim Suleiman's role as Sultan, ruler specifically of the Ottoman Empire, and sovereign of all its subjects - Muslim, Jewish or Christian.
Malta was of minimal strategic importance, and defeat did not temper the Ottoman ruler Suleiman the Magnificent's ambitions. To convey this without detracting from the drama of the siege is a ...
Suleiman traced this history, showing how language has shaped and been shaped by competing claims over the city’s public space. Before the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1917, Jerusalem’s signs ...