and trusses, including both statically determinate (isostatic) and indeterminate (hyperstatic) structures. Basic principles for construction of influence lines and determination of extreme influences ...
Topics includes composition and resolution of forces; moments and couples; equivalent force systems; free-body diagrams; equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; forces in trusses and beams; ...
The application of Newton's Laws to engineering problems in statics. The free-body diagram method is emphasized. Topics include vector algebra, force, moment of force, couples, static equilibrium of ...
Two-dimensional statics are covered including force and moment systems, free body diagrams, equilibrium, friction, and the application to typical structures encountered in aerospace engineering ...
Two-dimensional statics are covered including force and moment systems, free body diagrams, equilibrium, friction, and the application to structures (such as beams, frames and trusses) that will be ...