A new plague of disc rot has been discovered, and it's affecting Warner Bros Home Entertainment movies manufactured between ...
Some media formats see endless celebration and devotion, their disciples carrying the torch throughout whatever the new and normal becomes. But ...
A rewritable optical disc. First used in drives by Panasonic in the late 1980s, the phase change technology was subsequently employed in all major optical drives, including CD-RW, DVD-RW ...
The most common types are CD, DVD and Blu-ray. As removable media, optical discs superseded the earlier magnetic disk cartridges because they weigh less, have higher capacities and are not subject ...
CD-R - meaning CD-Recordable, the user can write data to the CD once or fill it over time using multi-session (writing to the same disc on separate occasions). CD-RW - meaning CD-ReWritable ...
HD DVD-ROM discs (read-only), and HD DVD-RW discs (rewritable): back-to-back bonding of two 0.6 millimeter-thick substrates. The new disc also shares key manufacturing processes with DVD-R ...