When you log into your bank's website, you might be presented with an image showing distorted numbers and letters and asked ...
Google has a reCAPTCHA system which is supposed to safeguard against bots, but it turns out it might actually be spyware.
reCAPTCHA is a free Google service to confirm that a system is being used by a human being and not a robot or bot. It helps websites secure themselves against malicious automated tools and spam ...
在当今互联网安全领域,验证码(CAPTCHA)已经成为保护网站免受机器人攻击和垃圾邮件侵扰的重要工具。作为这一领域的标杆,谷歌的reCAPTCHA在其推出以来经历了重大的转变,从单一的防护工具演变为一种复杂的数据追踪机制。本文将深入探讨reCAPTC ...
A for-profit cookie farm? The report notes there are two common types of test, CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA - the first is the ...
The study focuses on the two most common forms of CAPTCHAs you'll find out in the wild through Google's reCAPTCHAv2: ...