RFID自助收银系统还带来了诸多显著优势。首先,它显著减少了结账时间,使顾客能够更快速地完成购物。其次,该系统降低了对店员的需求,从而减少了人力成本,提升了店铺的运营效益。最后,RFID技术还能提供丰富的商品信息,如衣物尺寸、颜色和材质等,为顾客提供 ...
The IP sends the answer back to the reader using a backscatter modulation technique. 180SMIC_G2PHY_01 provides a fast and flexible anti-collision protocol based on internal random number generator ...
The IP sends the answer back to the reader using a backscatter modulation technique. 130GF_G2PHY_01 provides a fast and flexible anti-collision protocol based on internal random number generator ...
Gen 2 is the shorthand name given to EPCglobal’s second-generation EPC air-interface protocol (the laungage tags and readers use to communicate). It was designed to work internationally and has other ...
Part of the EPC Network. The EPC Information Service is a network infrastructure that enables companies to store data associated with EPCs in secure databases on the Web. The EPC Information Service ...