When Director Bryon Schroeder and Archaeologist Erika Blecha arrived at the ranch with other experts, they confirmed that what had been found was not just a fossil, but a mammoth tusk.
A hunter on a former 272,000-acre West Texas cattle ranch stumbled upon a fossilized mammoth tusk. The ranch manager was skeptical of the claim at first, thinking it was a stump, but brought the ...
Texas is a hub for mammoth fossils. Justin Garnett / Center for Big Bend Studies When the researchers arrived, they confirmed that the hunter’s discovery was indeed the tusk of an extinct mammoth.
An interdisciplinary team of researchers identified it as a mammoth tusk, an incredibly rare find for West Texas. After seeing the hunter’s photograph, Juett contacted Center for Big Bend ...
Everything is bigger in Texas, and on one of the state's largest ranches, a hunter discovered the biggest game yet: the tusk of a mammoth, according to a news release from Sul Ross University on ...
After Juett reported the find to CBBS, a team of anthropology professors and archaeological researchers came to the ranch and swiftly confirmed the fossil was a mammoth tusk. "When they confirmed ...