To fully embrace the culture of Okinawa, Japan's only subtropical ... a location where many people live to 100 years of age or beyond. There's even a popular old Japanese saying that translates ...
As a volunteer cave digger, Takamatsu Gushiken has unearthed the remains of several hundred people. Excavation is not his ...
The Americans had been there her whole life, when the United States seized Okinawa from Japan after the end of ... whom she married last year. She said people around her see the bases as a ...
The remains of some 1,400 people found on Okinawa sit ... mobilized by the Japanese during the war, may yet be found, Gushiken says. Locating and identifying decades-old remains have become ...
At the beginning of the Pacific War, the Japanese military quickly gained ... 40 years ago, when the postwar American occupation of Okinawa ended and many people began to talk about their wartime ...
The remains of some 1,400 people found on Okinawa sit ... mobilized by the Japanese during the war, may yet be found, Gushiken says. Locating and identifying decades-old remains have become ...