Jibo是世界上首批家用社交机器人之一。 但机器人是否已经先进到可以真正作为家庭一员存在? 《华尔街日报》专栏作家Joanna Stern一家和一台Jibo一起 ...
In the future will consumers have their own personal R2D2? WSJ's Geoffrey Fowler sat down with the creator of Jibo, a social robot, to discuss human-robot relations.
Three years ago, Jibo was heralded as the Indiegogo success story. Founded by famed MIT researcher Cynthia Breazeal, it successfully raised over $3.5 million in crowdfunding on top of millions from ...
On the third floor of the Ansin building, a large square outlined in blue tape is centered on the floor between a camera and ...