With hairdressers in Bristol claiming the local water is damaging their clients’ hair, these are the protective measures you can take ...
Eczema, a condition that can be damaging to both skin and mental health, could be worsened by showering or bathing. This is due to the reportedly increasing levels of hard water in the UK.
This is because of reportedly rising hard water levels in the UK. Hard water contains high calcium and magnesium content which can weaken the skin’s natural barrier, increase dryness and irritation ...
Research shows children are three times more likely to develop eczema if they live in a hard water area - including Bristol and most of the south east of England. Bristol Water advised customers ...
This NIHR Collection brings together major studies on the prevention and treatment of childhood eczema. It finds that many ...
Let's uncover the hidden truths behind why your eczema keeps returning and what you can do to get long-term relief.
Hard water contains high calcium and magnesium content which can weaken the skin’s natural barrier, increase dryness and irritation and overall lead to worsening symptoms for eczema sufferers.
Hard water is formed when water percolates through ... Some studies have linked harder water to an increased risk of developing eczema in childhood. Mahto adds: “It can also leave a residue ...