Cari Tuna is a former reporter for The Wall Street Journal in San Francisco where she covered enterprise technology. She also contributed to the Journal’s Bay Area edition. Cari previously ...
Fact checked by Suzanne Kvilhaug Reviewed by Michael J Boyle There is a lot of money in politics, and Hillary Clinton was ...
Para ABK memperkirakan kapal itu bisa menangkap 20 hiu per hari. Saat para ABK hendak meninggalkan kapal itu, ada 16 boks penuh sirip hiu, setiap boks beratnya 45 kg. Biasanya, sirip-sirip hiu itu ...
NOTE: For ease of identification, the 527 organization names used in this section are those of the connected organization, rather than the official name of the 527 account. For example, the "NEA Fund ...
Kapal tersebut berjenis kapal longline, digunakan untuk mencari ikan tuna. Namun diduga, kapal ini melakukan penangkapan ikan ilegal (illegal fishing). "Ini adalah kasus perdagangan manusia dan ...