编者按:尽管抗逆反录病毒治疗(ART)极大改善了HIV感染者的生存质量,但终身服药的负担与病毒储藏库问题仍是HIV治疗方面所面临的重要挑战。近年来,基因编辑技术与免疫疗法的突破为HIV功能性治愈带来了新希望。在2025年反转录病毒和机会性感染大会(C ...
HIV-1 entry into cells is an attractive target for new antiviral agents. But will inhibitors aimed at the CCR5 co-receptor force HIV-1 to evolve more virulent forms? Other targets for entry ...
Computational analysis of the variations in the HIV-1 genome sequence that correlate with preferential binding to the CCR5 (C-C-motif receptor 5) or CXCR4 (C-X-C motif receptor 4) coreceptors in ...
研究人员筛选靶向 CCR5 基因的 gRNA,发现部分对 HIV 基因治疗有潜在价值。 CRISPR/Cas 介导的基因组编辑技术(CRISPR/Cas-mediated ...
The chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 are the two major coreceptors for HIV entry. Numerous efforts have been made to develop a new class of anti-HIV agents that target these coreceptors as an ...
These sites bind to coreceptor CCR5 or CXCR4 on the membrane of the host cell (center panel), an event that initiates steps that culminate in the fusion of the HIV envelope with the host cell ...
The first person known to be cured of HIV – Timothy Ray Brown, the original 'Berlin patient' – received two transplants to treat acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) from a donor with two copies of a ...
The CCR5Δ32 variant reduces the expression of CCR5 receptors on CD4 + T cells, which HIV commonly uses to enter cells. Individuals carrying this variant exhibited lower CCR5 expression and lower ...
Two more people have been potentially cured of HIV after receiving stem cell transplants to treat blood cancer or bone marrow ...
In all but one of the cases, people with HIV received stem cells from a person who had natural resistance to HIV infection due to the presence of the double CCR5-delta-32 mutation. People with this ...
HIV infects cells by attaching to a protein on their surface, called CCR5. Some people have a genetic mutation that changes the shape of this protein, meaning HIV can no longer attach to their ...