Chinese animated mega-hit "Ne Zha 2" has taken the Hong Kong and Macao box offices by storm since its general release on Feb.
参考消息网3月4日报道(文/张伊宇)随着《哪吒之魔童闹海》(《哪吒2》)进入全球票房榜前7,电影票房收入成为媒体关注焦点。美国“银幕狂欢”网站称《哪吒2》为“a juggernaut at the Chinese box ...
Box Inc. (BOX)公布2025财年第四季度业绩,每股收益0.42美元超过分析师预期的0.41美元。公司营收2.795亿美元,略高于预期的2.7947亿美元。尽管业绩向好,但盘后交易中Box股价仍下跌8.52%,收于30.62美元,显示投资者对业绩数据之外的因素存在担忧。
BEIJING, March 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese record-breaking animated film "Ne Zha 2" is now ranked 7th on the all-time global box office chart, with its total box office revenue surpassing that of ...