消息面上,据报道,国防科技公司Palantir和Anduril正在与十几家竞争对手谈判,以组建一个联盟共同竞标美国政府合同,挑战大型国防公司。该联盟 ...
The 'highly configurable' Dive-XL is the size of a schoolbus. Defense tech innovator Anduril Industries Inc. plans to manufacture dozens of school bus-sized robotic submarines at its yet-to-be ...
OpenAI通过Anduril押注于硅谷国防工业的领导者。 这家初创公司的最新估值为140亿美元,生产可重复使用的火箭、无人机和潜艇,并与美国国防部和 ...
We’re living through the first drone wars, but AI is poised to change the future of warfare even more drastically.
Along with many smaller defense technology firms, Musk has been heavily critical of legacy defense programs such as Lockheed ...
近日,人工智能领域的领军企业 OpenAI 与由帕尔默·拉奇创立的 Anduril 公司宣布达成合作,双方将携手为“国家安全任务”部署前沿的人工智能系统。
OpenAI and Anduril partner to enhance drone defense systems for the U.S. military, combining AI expertise with advanced ...
(法新社旧金山4日电) 美国人工智慧(AI)巨擘OpenAI与军事防御技术公司Anduril Industries今天表示,他们将合作利用AI执行「国家安全任务」。
The consortium, which could announce agreements with other tech groups as early as January, is expected to include SpaceX, OpenAI, autonomous shipbuilder Saronic and artificial intelligence data group ...
Palantir Technologies and Anduril Industries are in talks with about a dozen competitors to form a consortium .