You can also site it in a location 10–30 feet away from your building where flexible piping can be used to direct the flow of your downspouts. Do not locate a rain garden in a low spot on the property ...
A Rain Garden or "bioretention basin" is a vegetated depression in an urban landscape that collects, treats, and recharges storm water into the ground. Because it is a garden as much as it is a ...
Generally, you want to place a rain garden in a location where water will easily flow into from downspouts, driveways, or ...
A rain garden is a type of bioretention, constructed as a shallow depression to hold and infiltrate water from rooftops via downspouts, driveways or other impervious surfaces to reduce polluted ...
For Cheryle Gannaway of Prior Lake, there really was no way of maintaining the grass on hill on the side of her home. The grass was becoming the “pet” she didn’t want – ...
They used an excavator to dig up the ground at a location that was once home to ... praising the OP for their epic remodeling ...
The 16th Avenue Tree Lawn Rain Garden is a demonstration of a low-cost, owner-maintained strategy for use of a tree lawn to temporarily store, infiltrate and filter stormwater collected from the roof ...
It didn’t take long for volunteers who created a rain garden in Hidden Valley Park to see the fruits of their labor. “Fifteen minutes after we finished, it rained pretty hard,” said Wiley ...
Daily Acts is leading a free tour Jan. 25 through three home landscapes that feature rain gardens, which capture rainwater to prevent runoff and replenish the groundwater in your landscape.