iPhone 5c,一款被不少人寄予厚望的苹果手机,它承载着苹果对多彩、亲民市场的探索,却在发布后饱受争议。 从外观上看,5c虽色彩丰富,聚碳酸酯材质手感也不错,但与同时期的iPhone 5相比,它显得过于厚重。
Credit: Apple We haven't seen a lot of yellow from the iPhone maker. Way back in 2013, the lower-end iPhone 5c came in a yellow (along with white, pink, blue, and green). Compared to the cartoony ...
The 5c featured iOS 7, a completely redesigned OS for the first time since the iPhone's debut in 2007 (see iOS versions). Available in a pink, green, blue, white or yellow plastic case ...