在近期的一次访谈中,前Xbox高管Peter Moore在Danny ...
微软Xbox最初是通过各种像E3这样的展会全力抢夺主机游戏市场的消费者纳入Xbox阵营,不过如今微软则是通过“Play Anywhere”与“XGP”等模式扩展Xbox的品牌影响力。最近收购动视暴雪等举措意味着如今微软的决定是更多是基于经济考量。“主机大战”这种现象对于游戏行业目前格局的形成确实起到了重要作用,但他认为没有人应该为这种趋势的转变负责。
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【环球网科技综合报道】近日,前Xbox高管Peter Moore在接受Danny Peña YouTube频道采访时,回顾了Xbox与PlayStation之间曾经激烈的主机竞争,并表示这种竞争对游戏行业而言是“健康的”。他分享了自己对那个时代的看法,以及主机战争如何促进了游戏行业的整体发展。
The other major game console company, Sony, has not confirmed any E3 plans, but it has not participated in the show since 2018 and that's not expected to change. Microsoft's mention that its Xbox ...
Microsoft revealed on Wednesday that the Xbox E3 2017 press conference will take place on Sunday, June 11th at 5 pm ET. This comes on the heels of EA’s announcement earlier this year that it ...
While E3 is still dead, the Entertainment Software ... Ubisoft, and more. “At Xbox, our mission is to bring the joy of gaming to players anywhere they want, while creating opportunities for ...