Find out when and how you can move a bird nest if needed. So, why do woodpeckers peck? The primary reason is eating. Sapsuckers peck small holes in search of tree sap. Other kinds of woodpeckers ...
Woodpeckers are guardians of ancient broad-leaved woodlands, busy ecosystem engineers and keen consumers of ant porridge.
Bees arrive at their nest in a tree cavity created and long since abandoned by a black woodpecker. For those first few days of the siege, the honeybees appeared helpless in the face of the hornet ...
Winter bird feeding is one of the most popular hobbies in America. It is estimated that nearly 60 million Americans feed birds in their yards in winter or summer. That is about 40% of all ...
They use their bills for excavating nesting cavities in trees. This isn’t totally unique to the woodpeckers; there are other birds that do this kind of activity, but the woodpeckers have ...
While other woodpeckers excavate cavities in dead trees, red-cockaded woodpeckers bore holes for nests solely in living pine trees that are generally 60-80 years old. Unfortunately, long-leaf pine ...
To celebrate the beginning of spring in the Gaelic calendar, ornithologist Seán Ronayne is across the schedule on RTÉ lyric ...