How long all of that would take remains to be seen; in the past, it has varied greatly from government to government. In 2017, it took 171 days. Ms. Merkel remained chancellor for 73 days after the ...
The Gasumlage is killing us,” says Petr Cingr, the Czech chief executive of SKW, referring to the German government’s gas levy. (The 110-year-old firm is owned by Agrofert, a Czech conglomerate.) The ...
Just ask these executives. By Melissa Eddy and Jim Tankersley Melissa Eddy and Jim Tankersley traveled to Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, and spent a day speaking to company leaders and workers.
He did some of his most important writing while in Wittenberg, including composing ... which is being jointly funded by the state and Germany's federal government.