5 The Coral Triangle region is highlighted below in blue. Below and above the sea, substantial economic value The Coral Triangle supports livelihoods and provides income and food security, ...
Officially dubbed “Big Momma,” it’s a colossal 111 feet wide, 104 feet long and 18 feet tall—longer than the world’s biggest animal, the blue whale ... of hard coral called Pavona ...
The corals' preference for blue light found in deeper waters ... that these corals move by a mechanism called pulsed inflation, in which the coral inflates and deflates rhythmically, propelling ...
Orange, blue, and sparkling-silver fish dart ... Rising acidity reduces the rate at which reefs develop. Crucial to coral health are colorful algae called zooxanthellae. These algae live in ...
It was longer than a blue whale and was thought to be ... surrounded by stinging tentacles (see graphic). Each coral animal is called a polyp. Most corals live in large groups or colonies ...
It was longer than a blue whale and was thought to be ... surrounded by stinging tentacles (see graphic). Each coral animal is called a polyp. Most corals live in large groups or colonies ...