The average household in West Dunbartonshire will pay more than £1500 a year in council tax from April as the country faces ...
A raft of cuts was also agreed at Wednesday's budget meeting as councillors discussed ways to plug a £7.7million budget gap.
It comes as the country faces the biggest council tax increases in 20 years after the nationwide freeze came to an end.
Concerns over an increase in the number of sex crimes and anti-social behaviour in West Dunbartonshire have been raised by ...
West Dunbartonshire Council’s budget for 2025/26 has been set with an 11.5% Council Tax rise agreed to help close a £7.7 ...
Labour presented their budget, which proposed an 11.5 per cent rise, in order to balance finances, whilst SNP councillors presented an 8.5 per cent rise but could cause a sharper rise in years to come ...
The only public golf course in the council area of West Dunbartonshire, Scotland — which sits just 20 miles northwest of Glasgow — could be closed.
After a three-hour debate, a motion presented by the Labour administration was agreed. Council tax levels were raised by 11.5 per cent, meaning a 2024/25 Band D charge will be £1559.86. Additionally, ...
The SNP group at West Dunbartonshire Council say they are 'deeply disappointed' that Dalmuir Golf Course is set to close after losing its funding ...
All the latest news, views, sport and pictures from West Dunbartonshire, including Dumbarton, Alexandria, Bonhill, Balloch ...
Tenant satisfaction with the overall services provided by West Dunbartonshire Council has risen by more than 25 in the last two years. A ...