Many use e-cigarettes or vapes as a safer alternative to smoking, but countries are warning about its dangers. Look inside one and you’ll see why. Smokers choose to vape because most e-cigs don ...
Also called as vaping, the use of e-cigarettes is on a sharp rise. A lot of people consider e-cigarettes as a safer alternative to smoking the conventional cigarettes. Here we discuss the ...
Smoking e-cigarettes—also referred to as vaping—remains less popular than traditional cigarette smoking, with 11.5% of adults still lighting up, according to the Centers for Disease Control ...
E-cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular yet are often at the centre of controversy. There are debates about whether they should be banned in public places and questions about their long ...
They attempt to demystify the world of e-cigarettes and vapes, tracing their history and extraordinary growth and asking, are they lifesavers or something far more insidious? From ads on buses to ...