John went to the store. Bob practiced the guitar before eating dinner and going to bed. You can remember these conjunctions with the mnemonic FANBOYS; For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So receive a ...
Full stops and commas are punctuation marks. A full stop ends a sentence. A comma shows a pause, breaks up a list or separates part of a sentence. This technique should be familiar to you as you ...
In order to make your writing clear, you need to use commas. As well as using them to separate out key information, or divide up different clauses, commas can also completely change the meaning of ...
An curved arrow pointing right. No one wants to look like an idiot! These 13 grammar rules will help you become a comma pro in no time, and will keep you from looking like a lame duck. Christina ...
An Oxford, or serial, comma is the last comma in a list; it goes before the word "and." Technically, it's grammatically optional in American English. However, depending on the list you are writing ...