Teenager Riley McKnight has flown through her certifications as she trains to become a welder and forges the way forward for ...
I know, stacking dimes takes years of practice, and admittedly, there's a lot of pride that goes into showing off those perfect dime-shaped beads you've just laid down on that custom gas tank you just ...
The new welder will allow high school students to learn essential skills on the equipment they will use in their careers.
An office to help residents and businessowners opened Friday at the San Patricio County fairgrounds' civic center and will ...
Nagpur: A 17-year-old HSC appeared Raza Yousuf Khan and 40-year-old welder Imran Ansari are battling for life after being ...
The Ghana Police Service (GPS) has arrested a welder, Nana Williams Kwame Fordjour, for allegedly causing a fire outbreak at ...
SEREMBAN: A 35-year-old welder was ordered by the High Court here to enter his defence on two drug trafficking charges while his three friends were acquitted. Justice Rohani Ismail said in her ...